The Aveiro Media Competence Centre (AMCC) is a platform to support and promote the European Union’s (EU) Local News Media sector in the implementation of digital transition projects.

MediaLabTraining in media literacy in a school context
TestBedMedia Open Call is an innovation program to pilot and accelerate technological solutions for the media sector.
YOMediaThe YO-Media project provides game-based tools and training to promote media literacy in times of crisis among young people.

Mapping of the media literacy initiatives, landscape and industry in the context of Better Internet for Kids



The main objective of this report is to provide a short mapping of media literacy in Europe by summarising current important activities, key organisations and driving factors – all in the context of the Better Internet for Kids initiative managed by European Schoolnet (EUN).

Media literacy in Europe is characterised by being a rather diverse and somewhat fragmented area of interest, with a wide variety of different players involved ranging from supra-national agencies to national and regional policymakers, NGOs, educational providers and media and industry players. When it comes to actual initiatives, these generally fall into one of the following categories: projects, actions, programmes and campaigns, varying in terms of the type of intervention
that is proposed, the scale and target of those for whom it is intended, and the duration and goal. A lack of a common understanding and agreement as to what constitutes media literacy, and the extent to which it is synonymous with media education, information and digital literacy, adds further complexity. Interest in media literacy is on the rise, largely as a direct result of our increasing concern with the fight against disinformation which, many argue, is posing a direct threat to our democratic way of life.

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