Jornalismo Transmédia e Literacia Mediática: Participação dos Jovens em Contexto Escolar no Combate à Desinformação
Young people play an important role in combating misinformation, especially in Brazil, where the population under 30 represents more than 42% of the population. The relationship between young people and the media demands new forms of teaching pedagogy that can promote different levels of literacy. In this sense, school education can be the way to awaken new knowledge about the media in young people, helping them in the processes that affect journalistic information and the fight against misinformation. The convergence between the media allowed the proliferation of narratives that, with the democratization of digital networks and technological devices, began to circulate in a transmedia way. Changing the way information is produced, consumed and mediated. It can be considered, therefore, that the Culture of Convergence (Jenkins, 2019; Scolari, 2013) imposed new realities that cross the use of technologies, the public, the media market, the narratives produced by the media (…), until reaching the education. This research presents some data considered relevant, extracted from the master’s research in Communication Sciences by the University of Minho. The data correspond to research applied face-to-face in Brazilian public schools, with the objective of evaluating the level of literacy on the part of students regarding the average and, consequently, the transmedia readings of information and identification of misinformation.