The Aveiro Media Competence Centre (AMCC) is a platform to support and promote the European Union’s (EU) Local News Media sector in the implementation of digital transition projects.

MediaLabTraining in media literacy in a school context
TestBedMedia Open Call is an innovation program to pilot and accelerate technological solutions for the media sector.
YOMediaThe YO-Media project provides game-based tools and training to promote media literacy in times of crisis among young people.

ISYDE - Symposium on Digital Education 2023



ISYDE is the new yearly conference organized by the Italian e-Learning Society (SIe-L) in line with previous conferences (e.g. EMEMITALIA) that broadens the focus from e-Learning and media education to Digital Education in a wider meaning as a concern emerging from recent years’ experiences and research.The conference addresses and debates the major transformations induced by technologies in the processes of training, learning, continuing education and knowledge construction as well as citizenship and interpersonal relations.

#education #mediaeducation #medialiteracy
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